The contemporary landscape designs today offer clean, sophisticated, yet simple lines; the designs are made to meet both functional needs and aesthetic needs. With the right landscaping, a home owner can decrease unwanted noise levels and block unwanted views from their yard.
And what better way to block such views than using a retaining wall design. Retaining walls are designed to prevent soil erosion if a structure is on a slope or hill. These walls also help facilitate rainwater runoff and funnel into appropriate drainage areas.
If your house is located on a hill or your family would like more privacy, contact a professional landscaping company today and determine what type of retaining wall design is best for your outdoor space. Professional landscapers can help you achieve a well thought out yet functional design so you can enjoy every part of your property.
Here are a few great retaining wall design ideas to consider in your yard.
- Step-Back Walls: Landscape designers like to push the envelope when it comes to design. With step-back walls, there is no single straight barrier. Instead, the connected walls form “L” shapes which creates the illusion of more space.
- Natural Wall: A retaining wall doesn’t have to be perfectly assembled and orderly. Opt for large boulders instead that can be properly inserted into the ground to prevent runoff while creating a great natural-looking environment.
- Tiered Walls: Why have one of something when you can have two? Many home owners use the first retaining wall as the functional wall, while the second, higher tier wall serves as a seating area for guests.
- Leveling Wall: This type of design is purely for functional purposes in order to level-out a backyard. The wall can drop anywhere from a few feet to a few meters depending on how steep the grade is. Place plants on top to add aesthetics.
- Living Wall: Contemporary landscape designs are often using succulents and naturally-occurring plants in your area. Opt for your wall to have staggered spaces into which you can fill soil and grow vertical plants.
- Concrete Walls: Concrete retaining walls are a great way to protect your property if you live in a rainy area. They can prevent basement flooding and are very sturdy. The benefits of concrete are that you can mold it into just about any configuration and you can texture it as well.
A retaining wall is a beautiful addition to any home. Research shows that the addition of trees, shrubs, plants, walks, lighting, retaining walls, and patios can increase the value of your property by 20%. Helpful research also found here.