Updated: 2/1/2022
If you want a healthy garden, you need to take care of it. Buy the best gardening products you can afford. Good quality products will improve your results, giving you a lush, healthy garden. You can get the things you need by using a curbside pick up garden supplies program at certain hardware stores and garden shops. Or you can shop online. You’ll need to wait for delivery, but the best online garden shop will have everything you need. With good products and hard work, you can have a healthy garden.
If you want to hire someone else to take care of your garden, you can look for the best garden landscapers near me. Look online and compare reviews. The best-rated gardeners near me will have testimonials from happy clients. Look into several options, then contact them for more information. Hiring a gardener is an investment, but it is a way to keep your garden healthy and beautiful without much input from you. You simply need to hire professionals and they will take care of all the work.

If you’re a new homeowner or want to get into gardening, you will soon realize there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to keeping your flora and fauna healthy. Gardening and lawncare treatment is often described as the layman’s science lab because there is so much that goes into keeping a yard healthy–stuff that’s easy to overlook! Below are a few basics for beginners that will get you started on the right track to great lawn and plant health:
1. Do a soil test.
Even if your yard looks great and there seems to be a lot of green health in the lawn, it’s always best to do a soil test to figure out what you’re working with. Soil is the key to plant life just like the foundation of a house is the key to a sound structure. What’s more, soil that might be great and healthy for sunflowers might be terrible for growing lettuce or a good front lawn. But by far the biggest thing to look out for when testing the soil is traces of pesticides. Pesticides are just what they sound like; synthetic chemicals to control the growth of bothersome weeds and kill pests like moths and beetles. The problem with synthetic pesticides however is that they also have a habit of killing everything else–including humans. Many pesticides have been linked with diseases such as cancer and liver or kidney problems. They also kill the good bugs, like earthworms, that keep the soil healthy. If you discover after your soil test that you have a lot of pesticide residue in your lawn…
2. Invest in pesticide free lawn service.
Pesticide free lawncare can take many forms. If the soil is very far gone and lawn health is on the decline, it might mean replacing the lawn altogether. More often than not though it means adding healthier, organic topsoil and employing a more preventative lawn care ethos in the future. A good organic lawncare service can educate you on what these might be, but a few basics include…
3. Understand the DIY organic lawncare basics.
There are a lot of creative, chemical free solutions to organic lawncare treatments for pests and weeds. We spoke to one gardener, for example, who would paint rocks bright red and use them to fool the birds who wanted to take large bites out of her tomatoes. Another used garbage bag tarps to cover all parts of the garden bed not being used for productive planting, thus discouraging weeds. As far as giving your lawn and garden the food it needs to grow, this can be achieved more efficiently by using mulch and compost mixtures rather than some fertilizer cooked up in a lab! In fact, some data shows that lawns treated with compost have roots twice or even four times as strong as lawns treated with synthetic growing chemicals.
You’re not going to figure all of this out overnight. But if you keep at it and learn a little bit here and there and from a few experts, we have faith that your lawn and garden will be the envy of the block. When you get there, make sure to stop back and comment with some photos. You’ll have earned the bragging rights!