What actually constitutes a plumbing emergency? When you look at the big picture, a trillion gallons of water have been wasted every year due to leaking faucets, running toilets as well as other types of leaks adding up to $6 billion. That’s a lot of wasted water that could be put to better use. However, should an inoperable garbage disposal or broken dishwasher constitute as an emergency? While both of those problems are an inconvenience, they can wait until the morning or until a local plumber offers regular service hours.
What Are Top Situations for Plumbing Emergencies?
When should you call an emergency plumber? A plumbing emergency is defined as any type of plumbing that has a water leak. That is considered to be a top plumbing emergency situation. Once you have noticed a water leak in any part of your home you need to contact a 24/7 plumber that offers emergency plumbing service. Once you call them, a local emergency plumber will more than likely advise you to turn off the water to the leak or the house. This will at least help to protect drywall and floors from becoming saturated which can cause irreversible damage that requires immediate attention.
Blocked Drains Can Cause Floods
Unclogging a sink can sometimes take more than just a plunger and some elbow grease. If you are suffering from a blocked drain you have a plumbing emergency. A blocked drain causes water to back up which in turn causes floods. Do you want to suffer from flooding in your home? Remedy the situation by calling an emergency plumber so you save money while avoiding a situation that could get much worse.
A Frozen Pipe Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen
Frozen pipes are never good. You won’t be able to get any water in your home to shower, wash dishes, flush the toiler or even get a drink. What’s worse is that ice damages pipes and can cause them to rupture. A professional plumbing company will know what to do to save you from damage caused by frozen pipes.
A Clogged Toilet Is Never Good
Even if you have multiple toilets in your home, just having one clogged toilet is a problem. Perhaps you have tried and tried and cannot unclog your toilet. Take a few precautionary steps to keep every safe. Turn off the water to the toilet, keep the lid down and inform everyone in the home not to try to flush the toilet to prevent it from overflowing. Your local plumber is ready to answer the call for this particular plumbing emergency and can get rid of clogs for you.
Nothing Is Worse Than a Backed-Up Sewer Line
Has your backyard suddenly turned into a swamp? Does the swamp have a particularly bad odor? If so, then your sewer is more than likely backed up. Do not let this type of emergency wait. Before you know it, you could have sewage backing up into your basement. Do not use the water in your home again until you call an emergency plumber to fix the problem.
Call to Get a Leaking or Broken Hot Water Heater Fixed
If you have noticed that your hot water heater is leaking, you have a huge problem. A water heater can contain a lot of water that causes damage when it leaks. Don’t hesitate to shut the water off to your house and get on the phone with an emergency plumber. If your hot water heater isn’t leaking, but it’s also not giving you hot water, it still needs to be checked. If you can’t handle cold water over the weekend or before the morning then an emergency plumber is there for you.