Energy saving and cooling

Most areas of the United States get rain or even snow on a regular basis. But when that rain begins to flow or the snow begins to melt, the resulting water is known as stormwater runoff. That water seeps into the ground, but with it can also go other substances that mix in with snowmelt or excess water from rain. As a result, stormwater runoff can be one of the biggest causes of pollution for our water supplies, especially when it comes to groundwater, which provides drinking water for around half of all residents in the U.S.

In order to understand these types of water pollution problems, it’s crucial to understand how stormwater runoff occurs and how to prevent it. Here are some of the basics on stormwater runoff pollution and solutions.

Why is stormwater runoff such a problem?

Although it may sound like stormwater runoff only consists of water, it actually contains much more than that. Stormwater can also include substances such as gasoline, chemicals, motor oil, pesticides, and bacteria, all of which can harm wildlife. Even naturally occurring sediment and large pieces of debris, like plastic bottles and bags, can also affect bodies of water nearby.

What are some of the most effective stormwater runoff solutions?

Stormwater runoff solutions can vary depending upon the type of environment where the pollution may occur. Although it may seem counter-intuitive when it comes to preserving nature, impervious surfaces such as paved roads, driveways, and sidewalks can all prevent these substances from entering the water table. Planting trees, establishing rooftop gardens, and using rain barrels and downspouts directed at sewer systems can also provide adequate stormwater runoff solutions.

There are also steps that homeowners can take to prevent stormwater runoff from occurring. With lawn care, make sure not to overwater a lawn; this can cause pesticides and herbicides to seep into the ground more easily. When taking care of a vehicle, make sure to use green car care products for cleaning, and don’t change the car’s oil in the yard. All pet waste should be picked up when taking dogs for walks, and make sure that home septic systems are properly maintained.

Have more questions about how to stop stormwater runoff in your area? Leave a comment below.

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