Home renovation and home upkeep represent two significant costs to American citizens each and every year. Did you know that, according to MSN Real Estate, annual upkeep costs are generally 10% of your home’s value? Imagine, if your home is worth $350,000, that is at least $3,500 worth of maintenance yearly.
On the other hand, many Americans like the idea of redoing their home to give it a fresh look. While it is not as crucial as maintenance, keeping your home comfortable is the key to your happiness. However, as statistics from CNN Money show, $125 million was spent on home renovation projects in 2012. Those costs are expected to rise by 20% this year. If you want to save money on furniture for renovations, remodels, and redecoration, consider these three tips.
- Do Not Settle
- Shop Online
- Buy Quality
As About.com points out, the key to finding dining room ceiling lights, decorative wall tiles, and the best oven brands at great prices is shopping around. Consider, you see dining room ceiling lights on website X that would look fantastic in your interior decorating redesign, so you immediately buy them. However, the next day you see the same lights on sale on another website for 15% less. Do not let this happen to you. Shop around before you buy.
Online shopping is fast becoming the great American pastime. Did you know, according to eMarketer, global eCommerce sales surpassed $1 trillion for the first time in 2012? A big reason for that is the ubiquity of online sales. Shopping online can net you discount area rugs, electric cooktops, fabric ottomans, and more at incredible prices. Further, if you find a direct supplier that cuts out the middle man, you stand to save more on those great dining room ceiling lights you have been looking for.
Stacey Makes Cents recommends new home owners, re-decorators, and renovators take a hard look at the furniture and appliances they buy. While it is true you might be able to get everything cheaply, you often get what you pay for. Take, for example, your dining room. You likely want an area rug, dining room china cabinets, and some beautiful dining room ceiling lights. However, if you buy low quality items all at once to save some money, it will come back to cost you in the future. Buy one or two pieces of quality furniture at a time to save money in the long run. Think quality over quantity to get pieces with longevity.
If you are looking for a way to save big on your next home renovation and redecoration, keep these three tips in mind. By shopping around, turning to direct retailers, and buying quality, you can save yourself a pretty penny and make your home beautiful at the same time.