Site remediation is removing pollutants, hazardous wastes, or unwanted substances from soil, water, or air. It is a vital control measure in protecting human health and the environment. There are various local site remediation methods as illustrated in the video, ” Soil Remediation Methods-Pros and Cons”:
In situ vitrification, or ISV, is one of the most common methods used in site remediation. It involves melting hazardous waste constituents present on-site into a glass-like solid mass that can be easily removed from the environment. A new development in this field is mechanical mixing to cut down on both costs and time associated with implementing this technique.
Batch treatments are similar to ISV due to their on-site implementation and cementing agents mixed with contaminating wastes but do not use heat or vitrification. The primary benefit of this local site remediation over ISV is its ability to treat a wide range of contaminants from different sources.
Containment involves isolating hazardous wastes through techniques such as steel drums or tanks unable to hold liquids due to corrosion. This local site remediation method allows hazardous materials to remain on-site while being treated through other means rather than removing them altogether.
There are different methods used to remediate waste sites. While the three main types of local site remediation include natural, mechanical, and chemical processes, each type can be further broken down into several techniques.
Site remediation is removing pollutants, hazardous wastes, or unwanted substances from soil, water, or air. It is a vital control measure in protecting human health and the environment. There are various local site remediation methods as illustrated in the video, ” Soil Remediation Methods-Pros and Cons”: