Owning a home can be very expensive. The expensiveness that I am referring to is in addition to your mortgage and home insurance payments. Some…
What’s the Difference Between Travertine and Terrazzo?
If you’re remodeling your home, you’re bound to be faced with numerous decisions about the materials you want to use. The type of flooring you…
How to Save Money With Your HVAC System
When your air conditioning unit temperature control isn’t working, you’ll need to call in a professional to fix it. If you’ve been using an air…
3 Homeowner Issues That Require Professional Assistance
Owning a home can be a lot of fun but it can also be extremely stressful. Once you purchase your home and move in it’s…
What the Two Types of Quality Tornado Shelters
A tornado is a violently rotating, funnel-shaped cloud of air that projects from a thunderstorm to the ground with spinning winds that can reach 300…
The Benefits of Using Propane Gas
Updated 9/9/2021 You have probably heard of propane gas. If you have ever watched the animated show, “King of the Hill,” you have heard Hank…
Have You Noticed Soft Spots in Your Living Room Walls? You Could Have Major Roof Leakage
UPDATED 1/19/21 Are you noticing that your home is cooler than usual? Have you found mysterious leaks in your home? Roof repair experts say that…
Tips for a DIY Room Remodel
Most homeowners will experience a room remodel or home renovation remodel at some point. A part of owning a home is updating and making necessary…