Air conditioner repair

It may still be summer, but fall’s cool, crisp air is certainly blowing in. The kids are going back to school, pumpkin ales are hitting the shelves, and hoodies are being taken out of the closet. Soon, you’re going to have to get your residential HVAC unit ready for the winter. Here are just a few things you should do to prepare.

Get Your Furnace Inspected. – Before winter blows in, your area’s highest rated air conditioning service companies go around testing homes’ units for leaks, checking heating efficiencies, and changing HVAC air filters. They’ll also do carbon monoxide checks to make sure the air is safe. Have one of these professional companies come through your home to ensure that your furnace is in good, working order. You’d also be wise to stock up on extra air filters so that you can change your unit’s filter periodically throughout fall and winter.

Prep Your Unit. – Before winter sets in, you should clear your unit of any twigs, leaves, and debris that might have gotten stuck in it. Hose your residential air conditioner down carefully to get rid of any other dirt and debris, but be wary of damaging the fins — just make sure you turn the power off first.

Cover It Up. – If you have central air conditioning, you may need to cover your outdoor unit up for winter. If you use a window air conditioning unit, you should take it out, or cover it up to make sure there aren’t any air leaks.

Getting your residential HVAC unit ready for winter isn’t terribly
difficult, but it’s something that shouldn’t be put off. Though you may not need to worry about taking care of it for a while, don’t put it off once it’s time to take care of it.
If you have any questions, feel free to share in the comments.

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