The holiday season is a wonderful time of giving and happiness. Well, for most people at least. Unfortunately, there are those who see it as a perfect opportunity to get their hands on brand new televisions, technological devices, and any other Christmas gifts. That’s why one Derbyshire locksmith issued a warning this week to community members on the importance of their commercial door locks.
According to the local U.K. news source BurtonMail.co.uk, ex-soldier Mark Santi runs Pick Me Locksmiths, in Hartshorne, Swadlincote. It’s his military experience and knowledge that he relies on when advising businesses and home owners on avoiding a potential disaster.
“Every burglary starts with an opportunity, so measures should be looked at,” Santi said. “Christmas is a good time for burglars, as people tend to have new goods all boxed up.”
In 2013, there were 1.9 million burglaries in the United States, which resulted in $4.5 billion in property loss, according to the latest FBI statistics. In that same year 59% of those burglaries were the result of forced entry and 74% were of residential properties. On average, a home burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the United States.
That what makes this time of year the perfect time for commercial replacement doors, adding different types of keys, and new commercial door locks altogether. Installing a door should be done if there is any sort of structural damage done to it. Putting in one of the more modern commercial door locks is a great addition to any home and can really payoff in the end.
“Saving money on security is the biggest false economy you can make, when you think about the value of a higher rated lock against the value of your possessions,” Santi said.
Also, make sure you’re breaking down all your cardboard and gift boxes before leaving them by the curb. Otherwise, you’re just advertising your new digs to potential thieves.