If your basement flooded mold is a distinct possibility. Water damage provides the ideal environment for mold to grow and spread. Since black mold and sickness are linked, you need to get rid of the mold as soon as possible. Otherwise, it could lead to respiratory issues and other health problems for you and your family. The best way to fix black mold damage is to hire mold remediation services to come into your home and clean it. They have specialized equipment and training that will allow them to give the space a better cleaning than you are able to do on your own.
Since black mold and health are so closely connected, it is essential that you take care of mold problems as soon as possible. Once it starts to spread, it can be difficult to get rid of. Plus, it’ll create more opportunities for you to get sick. When your basement floods, you should be equally concerned about water damage and mold. Bring in professionals to take care of both of these things at the same time.

No one wants to come home to that indistinguishable smell of mold after a long day. Household mold can enter your home by a number of ways: through open doorways, windows, heating systems, vents, and air conditioning units. In order for mold to grow, there needs to be a lot of moisture, such as places like around leaks in roofs, windows, or pipes. Many houses will experience mold from water damage or previous flooding.
Mold, especially black mold (the most toxic species of these fungi) can wreck havoc on you and your family’s health if you don’t call a mold removal expert. Some side effects of black mold include:
- Itching eyes
- Sneezing
- Coughing
- Serious allergic reactions, such as hives
- Asthma attacks
- Permanent lung damage
- Neurological damage
If you experience any of these symptoms, or can physically see or smell the mold, it is probably time for a mold inspection. However, no matter how helpful it is to call a mold removal company, no one wants to end up at that stage to begin with, so here are a few tips and tricks to preventing a full blown mold invasion:
- Vacuum all floors of the house and dust every surface on a regular basis (about once a week) to remove any traces of mold spores.
- In areas of the house that generally experience a lot of moisture, use area rugs that can be easily thrown in the wash.
- Keep paper, books, and clothes out of places that could contain moisture. Mold loves to feed off of wood fibers — and that includes paper.
- You know that leaking sink trap you’ve simply put a bucket under? Time to get that fixed, pronto! Any leaks in roofs or basements should also be properly sealed.
- Twice a year, clean your gutters of debris so that water can flow freely from your roof and not pool, which could cause water damage.
- A mold inspection company will look to make sure you have proper drainage around your foundation. If you don’t, it could be a costly investment to make, but it will prevent mold problems down the road.
- Always use fans in the kitchen or bathroom when you are cooking or showering, respectively. Many molds thrive at normal indoor temperatures (though few survive below 40 degrees F or above 100 degrees F), so it is best to get rid of moisture.
- Is you use a humidifier in the winter, set it to a lower setting to prevent moisture buildup in the room.
- In contrast, using a dehumidifier in basements or attics could end up being your best defense against mold; be sure to empty it regularly.
- If you are having water problems in a crawl space or basement, clean it up immediately and find the sources of the problem.
If you have taken all of the precautionary measures to prevent mold, but are still experiencing mold-related health symptoms, you may have mold growing within the confines of your walls, and will need a mold inspection. For the most part, these tips should prevent most mold from growing.
Helpful research also found here.