Hvac ductwork

Living without an air conditioning unit can be nearly impossible in states that experience over 100 degree temperatures during the summer. Even 80 degrees can be too much for people up north who only have a few months to enjoy warm weather. The right heating and air conditioning unit can be the key to staying cool in the heat, and feeling warm enough in in the winter.

Studies from the U.S. Energy Information Administration show that about 78% of American homes have central air conditioning. These units are typically installed by HVAC contractors or companies when the house is built, or whenever homeowners decide they want a central system.

But many people opt to use ductless air conditioners instead. This saves them the cost of labor for HVAC contractors, and installation. Here are a few more advantages of using the best ductless air conditioners for your home.

  • Money-Saving. Heating and cooling costs in most homes total more than half of the energy bill. This is often because central heating and air conditioning systems are constantly running throughout the year. With the help of ductless air conditioners, homeowners may be able to save a significant amount of money, as they can turn these systems on and off as needed to cool a room. For example, instead of having their system run throughout the night in unused rooms, families can solely utilize bedroom units until the morning.
  • Incentives. Because ductless systems are considered more energy efficient, homeowners could potentially earn money by avoiding central air. A number of utility companies are offering incentives up to $1,500 for going ductless, hoping to push more customers toward this alternative cooling method.
  • Easy Operation. Newer central air systems can be complicated. The thermostat has several buttons to navigate a number of screens in order to program the system. A ductless air conditioner is easy to use, and often comes with a remote control. If the room is too hot, you can increase the fan speed and decrease the temperature of the unit, and conversely, you can change the temperature if you feel the room is too cold. This can usually easily be controlled using the remote, or buttons on the front of the unit.

Without spending exorbitant amounts of money, you could keep your house at optimum temperatures this summer. And with the Old Farmer’s Almanac predicting a hot and sticky summer, you may want to buy your ductless units soon. More on this.

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