There’s no doubt about it, luxury custom homes can be expensive. But there are numerous benefits of building a custom home. Here are three that are strong enough to make even that scariest part — financing a custom home — seem worth it:
- More Aesthetic Control
The biggest benefit of custom home designs is obvious: You can get things looking exactly as you like (constrained, of course, by some combination of your budget, building codes and the laws of physics). And beyond aesthetic changes, you can also enhance the functionality of your new home. For example, you can make decisions such as laundry room and closet placement that can make your life easier for years to come. And if you have any highly specific needs — like a six-car garage for your classic hot rod collection — you’ll almost certainly have to work with a new home builder to meet your needs.
- More Monetary Control
When you’re looking at financing a custom home, it’s true that you may end up paying more, overall, than you would if you bought something in a housing development. But that money spent may turn out to be a better value, since you can choose to splurge where you want and save other places. You can also ensure that your money is being spent on quality workmanship so that the house is safe and up to code.
- Better Resale Value
A custom home can be worth the cost even if you don’t plan on living there the rest of your life. Custom homes for sale regularly draw higher-end buyers who will pay for materials that aren’t so builder-basic, so you may end up making up your expenditures (or perhaps even making a profit). If your plan is to sell someday, keep buyer taste in mind as you make design decisions, remembering that the kitchen and bathrooms, in particular, can give a high return on investment if done right.
Have you built a custom home? Would you go through the process again? Share in the comments.