Many people love how easy it is to keep tile and laminate flooring clean, but who can resist the warm fuzzy feeling under your feet that carpet provides? Tile and laminate flooring can get gruesomely cold during the winter making them almost unbearable to walk on. Having carpet in the bedroom, instead of tile or laminate, is preferred by approximately 44% of homeowners. Carpet is a great investment for those considering different flooring options for their house.
Carpet flooring may be warmer than tile or laminate, but there are also some minor drawbacks. Carpet flooring is not as easy to clean as the other options. Extra care must be taken to keep caret looking as good as the day the carpeting company installed it. Majority of manufacturers say that with proper care your carpet can continue looking beautiful for up to 10 years. Use these tips to keep your beautifully installed carpets fluffy, soft and clean.
Area Rugs and Runners
Area rugs and runners will prevent high traffic areas from showing wear too soon. These high traffic areas gather soil more quickly than other areas of the carpet. Once they become heavily soiled the carpet fibers become crushed down and the carper is not longer as soft as it once was. Accent your current decor by choosing rugs and runners that match and add a touch of class to your area.
Rearrange Furniture Often
Rearranging furniture often reduces wear from the legs of the furniture sitting over a period of time. It also helps direct traffic flow to other areas of the carpet so that the entire area gets worn evenly, rather than just one spot getting worn out faster. When rearranging furniture be careful to lift and not slide as this can loosen the carpet and encourage tears.
Leave Your Shoes at the Door
Removing shoes before walking into the house reduces the amount of dirt that gets drug in on them. It may not seem like a significant amount, but after 10 years, your carpet can accumulate a lot of dirt and begin to show signs of wear and tear especially around high traffic areas. This causes loss of texture to the fibers and your carpet will appear flatter in these areas. Get into the habit of taking your shoes off as soon as you come in, and encourage all family members and guests to do so as well. A little bit of effort goes a long way in protecting your carpet.
Everyone knows that regular vacuuming keeps carpets cleaner longer, but these few tips are simple things that are easily overlooked. Discuss proper cleaning techniques with your carpeting company to find the best solutions for deep cleaning your carpet. Your carpeting company can recommend products that will keep your carpet clean without damaging its beautiful look.