Did you know that 48% of surveyed homeowners reported an interest in remodeling their home, or building a custom home? There is definitely a lot of demand for carpenters and home designers in the U.S. right now. However, with demand comes competition. How can you make sure you stand out from the crowd? Here?s a few tips to help 2016 be your best year ever — and 2017 will top that.
Get Professional With Your Technology
When you hand people a quote for your services, is it written out on a piece of paper or typed and delivered both in person and to their email? When someone goes to your company?s website, does it simply state the bare basics or does it give them plenty of options for getting to know the work your company does? In 2016 and moving forward, technology is going to make a difference when it comes to the businesses consumers choose to trust. You should have a good website, you should be tracking the work your company does using digital tools, and you should be interacting with consumers in a way that is keeping with the times and not reminiscent of hiring a contractor 30 years ago when Apple was still a twinkle in Steve Jobs? eye.
Have Great Tools, Like CNC Machine Tooling, Available to You
How up to date are your wood cutting tools? If you can?t remember the last time you invested in tool sharpening or tool coatings, then this might be the right time for it. Tools — and their accuracy — make a difference in the products you end up providing to your clients. The less room there is for inaccuracy, the better anything you produce will stand up over the years. There are many custom tooling companies that can work with you to get you the tools you need to do the best job possible, whether it?s solid carbide bits or CNC machine tooling. Your customers will be leaving top Yelp reviews in no time.
Know the Current Trends
As much as consumers have their own ideas of what they want to see, they?re also going to expect you to assist when it comes to generating ideas for how to tile their kitchen, what cabinetry is appropriate for their kitchen space, etc. Being up to date on the latest trends in the home design world is going to make you an asset. Most homeowners are looking to update with both functionality in mind as well as their ability to resell their home once they?re ready to move on. Getting up to date on current trends can involve going to trade shows, or it can be as simple as picking up a few home and garden magazines at the grocery store and taking some time to flip through them.
Do you have any tips for getting to the top of the home remodeling game? How are your CNC machine tooling? Let us know.