The doll and the drink.
While your husband prepared the new sets of heavy duty adjustable shelving for the basement storage space you began the laborious task of sorting through boxes, tubs, envelopes, and other miscellaneous storage containers. Just as you were wondering if you should speed through the process and opt for garbage rather than sort, however, you came across two treasures.
The doll and the drink.
After taking a few pictures and sharing a few good stories across the basement with your husband you did decide to say goodbye to a this special friend. There was a time when this Mattel 1965 Cheerful Tearful doll was your favorite. The doll you decided to part with today, however, was actually your second version of the doll as the first suffered a decapitation after a fall leaving you heartbroken. Your mom searched far and wide for a replacement. After nearly giving up the search this little doll was found on a trip to visit your grandma in the midwest. The original laughed with her hand up and cried real tears with her arm down. Version 2.0 never cried real tears but you loved her just as much. Today when you said goodbye you imagined her saying, “I’m not crying, you’re crying!” And all was well again as she waved goodbye. This find reminded you that you are more than thankful for have a mom who loved me more than I loved this doll.
The second treasure that you found while you were sorting and preparing to reorganize items on the heavy duty adjustable shelving was a box of photos, including a very fun picture of a drink. It is actually one of your favorite pictures of your grandma of all times! She, your mom, and two neighbors spent a week at your grandparents’ cabin in Minnesota. your grandparents loved “happy hour” and on this day your grandma took off her pants, and dressed in just her nearly knee length top, carried the drink tray high as she served the group cocktails in what she called waitress style. She was a silly one for sure and your best guess is that this photo was taken sometime in the late 1970’s.
These two treasures gave you pause and the energy to know that the big sort is necessary if you want to make sure that you do not accidentally throw anything else important out by mistake. The switch to the heavy duty adjustable shelving
will make everything more manageable, but you do not want to find yourself regretting that you threw something important or valuable out in haste.
Many Home Owners Have Tackled Reorganizational and Home Improvement Projects During the Pandemic
Whether you are using new file cabinet inserts to create a new home office space or you are gutting some older wooden shelves and installing new heavy duty adjustable shelving to a storage room, if you are taking time during these weeks and months at home to rethink your space you are not alone. And whether you are selecting upgraded concealed glass door hinges for the kitchen or you are looking at adding a new shower to the master bedroom suite you have likely experienced some fo the challenges of finding the items you want most and the contractors that you want to hire. Many people, in fact, have said that although they have many things they are missing during these days of lockdown, there are also some who admit that they have been able to make the most of the extra time at home.
Before the spring of 2019 and the arrival of the pandemic, there were already estimates that indicated that U.S. kitchen cabinet demand was projected to grow to almost $17.1 billion by 2021. And while there have certainly been many businesses that have suffered during these last eight months, it is important to note that some of the home improvement projects are creating a real boom for several industries.
And while the 14% of homeowners who planned to make improvements to their kitchens in 2018 may have seemed like a high percentage, it is likely that these numbers will seem small when they are eventually compared to the figures from 2020.