Landlords and property managers have several responsibilities when it comes to providing a suitable environment for their tenants. Completing repairs in a timely manner, responding to emergencies, and making sure buildings are up to code are just a few of the necessities in apartment buildings or townhouses. However, if you are in charge of renting out a residential property, then you might be overlooking one very important aspect of that building: the windows and doors.
In order to keep tenants safe and maintain your property, you may want to consider upgrading your residential windows and doors. Not only can this improve the look of your building, but it can also deliver other advantages to those who have chosen to rent from you. The following three features should guide you as you make your decision to choose new residential windows and doors:
- Style: If your property could use a little bit of sprucing up, then getting new residential windows and doors may be the right option for you. For example, steel windows can add plenty of style to a building, and they come in a variety of frame styles and sizes. Other windows and doors can be ordered with energy saving glass, which goes well in any home.
- Efficiency: It’s a fact that newer windows simply perform better when it comes to energy efficiency. Whether you’ll be footing the bill for utilities or it’s up to your tenants, it makes sense to swap out old windows for new ones. A typical home loses about 15 to 22% of its heat through the windows, and possibly even more if those windows are single pane only. However, replacing them with Energy Star certified windows can save $126 to $465 per year on utilities, and those with low-e coatings can reduce energy loss by as much as 30 to 50%.
- Safety: Finally, keeping tenants safe is of the utmost priority for landlords, and they need to ensure that their property sees as little damage as possible, too. Plenty can go wrong in an apartment building, from fires to break-ins. Residential structure fires occur every 85 seconds, and burglaries occur as often as every 13 seconds in the United States. Fire rated windows and doors can help stop a blaze before it spreads to other parts of the building. Additionally, getting steel doors can help keep residents safe from those who may want to break in and burglarize units.
Have more questions about choosing the right windows and doors for your residential rental property? Leave a comment below.