Are you considering installing acoustic ceilings in your building? Acoustic ceiling materials help create a soundproof ceilings, which helps office productivity. If you are concerned that acoustic ceiling materials might be unsightly, you came to the right place. Acoustic ceiling materials come in all shapes and sizes and can be created to suit any aesthetic; you can get a great looking interior design with high pressure decorative laminate or ceiling clouds.
However, acoustic ceilings must be installed properly to function properly, maintain a great look, and last for years to come. If you are interested in installing acoustic ceiling materials, we’ve put together a few tips for you:
- Cleanliness is next to godliness.
With any renovation project, the cleaner you get the initial space before any changes are made, the better the final outcome will be. If you are applying the acoustic ceiling materials in an area that isn’t too dirty, you might be able to get away with a light dusting with a damp washcloth or sponge. If the area in which you are installing soundproof ceiling tiles is a kitchen or has a lot of grease for any other reason, you should clean it thoroughly with a cleaning agent that can cut through oil.
If the ceiling tiles you are installing are going to be attached directly to the ceiling rather than a floating configuration, you should also clean it with a agent that removes any sealant from the surface, so that the adhesive will attach well. - Measure twice, cut once.
This tip really applies to every single building project. The most common mistake that leads to problems with building projects is measuring wrong. Before you purchase any acoustic ceiling materials, and definitely before you make cuts, make sure you take the time to measure the area in which you’ll be installing the new ceiling. When future you is able to install your new ceiling without issue, you’ll be glad you followed this tip! - Give yourself a contingency.
MostAll construction projects go over budget. If your budget is tight, you’ll be up a creek without a ceiling when the money runs out. Ceilings are a thing that you shouldn’t abandon halfway because you ran out of money. When you are planning out your new ceiling installation, make sure to incorporate an extra 20% in the budget for contingency. When problems arise — because they always do — it won’t leave you broke as a joke. You can take that tip and file it away under “All Construction Projects.”
We’ll throw this in for free: When you are purchasing your acoustic ceiling materials, you should also purchase at least 20% more material than your space needs. This is particularly important if the acoustic ceiling materials you are using are a unique design. Even if your project goes seamlessly and you don’t require one square inch more than you measured, down the road problems arise. If there is a leak in the ceiling or someone misses the pinata at an office birthday celebration and breaks a ceiling tile, you’ll be glad you have a replacement tile that perfectly matches the current ceiling. If you have to back track and find new tiles that are identical to the ones you’re installing now, you’ll find it is a nightmare and possibly impossible if the tiles are discontinues. - Don’t be too proud to hire an expert.
Sometimes, building owners think they can save themselves a little extra dough by doing projects like this themselves. If you are a professional ceiling installer, go right ahead. Otherwise, hire a pro to install your new acoustic ceiling tiles is well-worth the cost. If you do it yourself and get it wrong, you’ll have to spend far more to repair the part you got wrong, plus install it properly. Ceilings aren’t a thing that you should figure out through trial and error. - Always use quality materials.
While we’re on the subject of trial and error, let’s talk about another thing you want to get right the first time: the materials themselves. When you buy cheap material, they look cheap and the don’t hold up over time. Spend a little extra money and get good quality materials. You’ll thank us for this one!
Do you have any questions about installing ceiling tiles? Please share below.