Repairing cracked foundation

Most people do not know how to fix basement leaks, let alone repairing foundation leaks. Repairing a cracked foundation is an arduous task and should best be left to the professionals. However, there are many methods for water proofing basements that one can utilize, that will prevent problems before they arise. Hopefully you won’t have to be repairing foundation leaks once you’ve got these pointers under your belt.

    Keeping water away from the foundation is the single most important thing you can do to keep the ship of your home sailing smoothly. The soil around home foundations should slope at least six inches for every 10 horizontal feet. Plants should be at least two feet from the foundation and be low enough in the soil so as not to draw water towards the foundation.

    Sump pumps are one of the most classic methods of keeping your basement and foundation secure. Submersible sump pumps last as long as 15 years, whereas pedestal sump pumps usually last 25 to 30 years if they are well maintained.

    Repairing foundation leaks shouldn’t wait until after you have a wet basement. Check for cracks on a regular basis? if you see cracks of more than a quarter inch, or stair-step shape, call a foundation repair company.

    In the event of a flood, remove any kind of organic material from the flooded area, and dry and clean everything so that mold does not grow. Don’t be ashamed- 98% of homes with basements will experience some form of water damage.

If your basement leaks when it rains, you know it’s time to start repairing cracks in foundation walls. If your basement is still dry, repairing a cracked foundation is still extremely important. Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.

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