Radon testing is an important process to have done in your home. This is because radon is an invisible and scentless gas that can be dangerous to your health if you’re exposed to it for a long time. Large amounts of it could be getting into your home if there are not proper mitigation techniques put in place. If you’ve recently moved to a new home or have never had your current home assessed by residential radon testing services, then you might want to consider having it done sooner than later. Here are some tips on how you can find and hire these services in your area.
Find Services Online
A good place to look for residential radon testing services is on the internet. With a quick search you should be able to find all of the companies who offer this service near you. You can also gain access to their web pages as well as all of their contact information. You should even be able to read reviews from past customers to find out if they had good experiences. This is nice, because you want a company who knows what they are doing and who is going to respect you and your home when they come to do testing.
Ask Your Friends and Family
Another great option is to reach out to friends and family who have had radon testing done. They can put you in touch with the company they used and let you know if it was a good experience or not. Ask around and find out who has had this testing done to get some advice from people you trust.
Consider Self Testing
Another option to consider is self testing. This means that you purchase a radon testing kit and perform the test on your own. This is a perfectly effective approach, although if you’re unsure how to do the test or how to read the results, it cane be useful to have the help of a professional. Home tests can take a few days or even a month depending on the type of test you choose and it may be wise to call a professional for advice on which on to choose.