The planet Earth is about 71% water. That’s a significant amount, and considering that water is necessary for human life (we’re composed of about 73% water), it would seem that there’s plenty of it to go around. However, only about 1% of all the water around us can be used for human needs. Much of the planet’s water is undrinkable or currently frozen in ice caps. Well digging services and well drilling services are still used to provide water for many households.
But even this small percentage of usable water yields quite a bit. For instance, in the U.S., residents use nearly 100 gallons of water daily. And over the course of a year, the average American will have used more than 100 thousand gallons! Not only do we use and consume a lot of water, we also do our best to keep away excess water from seeping into our homes.
What is a Sump Pump?
Sump pumps sound kind of silly (especially when you say “sump pump” over and over again), but they are in fact extremely practical devices. A sump is simply a hollow area in which excess liquid (in this case water) is collected. The “pump” part of a sump pump actively removes any excess water, electrically pumping it to either water storage tanks, municipal storm drains, or anywhere that keeps the water from damaging or flooding a given area. The sump pump has a float device that rises when the water level around it reaches a certain height. That floating device then trips a switch which activates the pump.
Basement Sump Pump Installation
The most common places sump pumps are found are in basements. Basements are extremely susceptible to moisture and flooding because they are dug into the earth where moisture builds up, especially after heavy rainfall and humid conditions. When the soil can’t absorb the water within it, the water attempts to escape, eventually leaking into the home’s foundation.
Basement sump pump installation is performed by trained professionals. First, a hole must be dug into the basement so that a sump basin can be placed inside. A filter is wrapped around the basin to prevent silt from entering the pump once it is active. The pump is then placed inside the basin. PVC piping is attached to the pump so that the collected water can be directed outside of the home.
Sump pumps may have a funny ring to them, but they keep excess water away!