Duluth mn contractors

The hottest days of summer will certainly make you appreciate your air conditioner. About 2/3 of the population have air conditioning in their homes. The remaining 1/3 has either a swamp cooler, or makes do with a combination of fans and sweating.

Summer is associated with coming inside to cool off, it’s true. A big concern with running the air conditioner in the summer is the utility bill. With proper maintenance and a little planning, you can lower your utility bill with minimal fuss.

Before we get started on how your air conditioner costs can be cut down, just know the an old water heater can keep utility costs high. Some estimate that an inefficient water heater can account for 30% of a home’s energy consumption. Switching to a tankless water heater can help reduce utility costs in conjunction with regular HVAC service.

How cold do you like a room to be? In public spaces, the temperature is typically set to a chilly 65 degrees Fahrenheit. A lower setting makes allowances for extra bodies that will raise the ambient temperature, as well as the opening and closing of doors. This is not the optimal setting for your home thermostat.

To really reap the benefits of adjusting your regular settings, experts recommend 78 degrees Fahrenheit to be the lowest set temperature for your thermostat during the summer months. That may be a higher setting than you are used to, so there are a few tricks you can try to make the house seem more comfortable. Installing ceiling fans can make a big difference, though it is cautioned that this method only works if you are actually sitting underneath one, as it is the breeze from the fan’s blades that cools you off, not an actual drop in ambient temperature.

Another tip is to open your windows at night, and to close them before mid-morning. This allows the cool night air to be trapped inside for a little while. Also, close the blinds and if you have them, heavy curtains. Doing so blocks the hot sunlight from transferring its heat via your windows.

All of the above tips will help only minimally if the air conditioning unit is not running efficiently. The Department of Energy recommends regular maintenance as a key step towards reducing energy costs.You may need to call an HVAC specialist to take a look at your machine to double check. They may need to replace the filters, unclog the drain, replace the evaporator coil, or install a dehumidifying pipe. If that fails, you might consider replacing your unit with a more energy efficient one, which can save up to 50% energy needs depending on what you were using before.

Cool air on demand is one of the great luxuries of our time. But it is a luxury that we can cut costs on, if we know the way. This means investing in regular maintenance of our air conditioners, as well as setting the thermostat just a few degrees higher each day. The payoff is owing less money each month, and relaxing in a refreshingly cool home.

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