Got mold? Get rid of it! This naturally occurring substance is a nasty and subtle occurrence, cropping up out of seemingly nowhere and causing a host of problems down the road if not checked. If over-the-counter product treatments and cracking open a window aren’t working, you may need to seek out mold clean up services. This can include basement waterproofing membranes and general inspection, depending on the severity of your issue. If you’re not sure how to tackle this common problem, look no further than the next few paragraphs. These quick questions and statistics will go a long way in getting you started on quality mold clean up!
What Is Mold?
So what, exactly, is mold? This substance is produced by tiny spores, almost invisible to the human eye, and are caused by a variety of different factors such as moisture and temperature. They grow into the characteristic white or green fungus that we all know and love, leading to frustrating attempts at clean-up and even health hazards. Yikes! Water damage and mold alike cost the insurance industry nearly $3 billion, making this one of the most common frustrations for homeowners and businessowners.
What Are The Health Hazards Of Mold?
While mold can be frustrating, it’s also not good for your health and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Due to mold’s fungal and stale nature, even a small amount can significantly aggravate sensitive constitutions and cause symptoms like lethargy, sneezing, coughing and watery eyes. Some people even have allergies specifically to mold! According to recent industry estimates, over 14,000 people in the U.S. experience a water damage emergency at home or work every day. This can include, but is certainly not limited to, leaks, spills, floods and extreme weather patterns.
What Are Mold Symptoms?
Believe it or not, there are many different types of mold. Fungi comprise entire worlds of organisms, perhaps as many as 300,000 species, and need to be dealt with accordingly. Mold generally grows in anywhere from 24 to 48 hours due to moist environments. Cold temperatures can also make this issue worse, which is why you generally see worse mold during fall and winter. If you notice yourself coughing and sneezing whenever you’re inside but can’t quite put your finger on the source, you may just have a mold build up right under your nose. This fungi can even gather on windows and vents!
What About Common Disasters?
While leaks and spills can contribute to mold build-up, there are a few extreme weather patterns that can put your home out of the loop. Floods are some of the most widespread natural disasters aside from wildfires — studies have shown over 90% of all U.S. natural disasters are caused by flooding. Based on Floodsmart, a 2,000 square foot home undergoing just 12 inches of water damage can cost a whopping $50,000! So, how can you prevent this all from happening? Look no further than mold clean up services.
How Do I Get Rid Of Toxic Mold?
With unsightly appearances and health hazards galore, mold removal companies are necessary to keep your home clean when over-the-counter products aren’t doing the trick. Housing professionals can analyze mold build up and use a combination of materials and techniques to eliminate the problem immediately. However, that isn’t to say there aren’t preventative measures you can take! Try to keep an ideal temperature in your home at all times, with a regular breeze a la fan or air conditioning unit circulating the air at a regular rate. Remove any and all moisture from couches and counters to avoid mold build up, with special precautions taken during the fall and winter months. No mold? No problem!
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